Sunday, April 09, 2006

N.E.A.R. Project

Hi Fellowers of Famicom Revolution's Blog!

This will be the last info I will unveil about the NEAR Project. NEAR no more after this. This is a compilation about what I know about this Project of the Famicom Revolution.


do you want to read about NEAR?
well, it's easy. It's a Revolution's Project. The main idea with this project is that the gamer should be the more nearest posible to the videogame, and with this, you will be more inside the game. This project is a philosophy. Is about Immersion.

Many of you said: is it "Nintendo Entertainment Augmented Reality"?. Not, it's not.
The N: Nintendo or New
The E: Environment or Entertainment
The A: Applied or
The R: Reality or Revolution
So, It's Nintendo Environment Applied Reality

And what about this? Well, the idea of using a monitor instead a TV was one of the first ideas of this project. Because you are nearer with a monitor than with a TV, and the LCD monitor is a great screen. But, it's also about its portability of the Revolution. With a handheld system you're nearer than with a home console system.

The ultimate step of the NEAR project is 3D Environmet. How? with 3D Stereoscopic? with Augmented Reality? well, they are great options. Nintendo wants to see which is better. Which will we see on Revolution? Yeah, you have to wait until May 9th.

And what about the Touch Sensitive Feature of the Revolution? Well, I think this is about the (or well, a part of) Connectivity Secret. But as I said you: With the Revmote you can touch... what? the air... you don't see it? what about the air? read some lines above...

You've seen already the images of one of the Revolution's Games. Red Steel. Have it any 3D Environment? Not, surely we don't see a 3D E with what we've seen about this game. Is this a proof that the Revolution won't have a 3D Environment? Not, 'Cause you have to wait; the Conference in the Kodak Theatre will be the main event, when secrets will be unveiled.

And what about the Graphics?
Well, the Revolution will be a compilation of the story of videogaming. So, you can have 8bits graphics, 16bits graphics, 32bits graphics, 64bits graphics, 128bits graphics and yes, the Next Gen of graphics that you've seen on Red Steel and the XBox 360's Games. The Graphics less than 128 or Next Gen are not only for retro games... as well for new and amazing games... Disrupter Ideas.

Which Environment the Revolution will use? the TVor any screen related. Why? well, you have already a TV or well, a monitor, alright? talk about Ease. You will connect your Famicom to your TV or any screen. The videogames are about Screens. But, if you can have a Revolutionary Screen? How?

Pay atention to the GI's RS Article

"At their best, video games are about immersion . Players shouldn't feel like they are observing the action onscreen, they should be figuratively transported into a different world.
Your avatar’s life should become your life, and its adventures should be your adventure. the controller in a player’s hands should transcend its role as a mere interface device; it should become the weapon that you see onscreen. Most games try to push immersion with better graphics, more intense action, or overwhelming sound. But one upcoming console is doing something different, trying a new way to make that controller in your hand become something more. That console is the nintendo revolution."

The NEAR is each form of Environmet that you can have with the Revolution. And, how many forms of Environment you can have?
-The TV
-The HD-TV
-The LCD (or CRT) monitor
-The visor
-The Projector
-Any Screen or simulated screen you have.

But, the important factor about this Project is what Iwata said:

"We disrupted the very definition of a game - and that is working, too. In a few weeks, you will better understand how to disrupt console gaming. You will play, and you will SEE."
The NEAR is about Environment. And the Environment is about how the graphics will be displayed on the Games of Revolution. You will have a lot of ways.
You've amazed with Red Steel and the potential of the next Famicom. But, the Revolutionary Environment will be an Applied Reality.

You ask me to say interesting things about NEAR. I have to ask you: what else do you need? the info is clear. Surely, you will want to have specific information about the Environment, but sorry, there isn't any specific Information: Because you will have a lot of ways. But, I can say you that the Immersion is what the NEAR project is, and, Nintendo is searching for the best. Read it: The controller isn't only an interface to control the game. It will be part of the Environment. ;D If you can to read between lines, if you can see outside the box
The controller will have a feature about the Environment, you got the info now.
And now, I will tell you why I won't talk about NEAR any more. Because this name, this project won't be unveiled, so, it's useless to talk about a project that you won't be noticed about. But, I said you some interesting things about the NEAR project, and you will see those to become real.

Some "politics" of Nintendo has changed this year. I won't talk about NEAR any more, but, the Revolution will have some ideas of this project. And you will say Wow!!

And remember, the Revolution is Near.
